Alan Hubbard: Spending £500 million on a stadium then knocking it down would make us a laughing stock


O what a tangled web we weave, when we first practise to deceive!

So tangled, in fact, that most attribute the quotation to Shakespeare when actually it was penned by Sir Walter Scott.

I make the point not to boast any great literary leaning but because had sports politics been on the agenda when it was written back in the 19th century then never would it have been more aptly described.

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Backing for Blatter from suspended FIFA Executive


By Duncan Mackay
British Sports Internet Writer of the Year

January 12 – Sepp Blatter today received backing for his campaign to continue as President of FIFA from an unexpected quarter – Reynald Temarii, one of the two FIFA Executive Committee members banned after they were linked to corruption allegations in the build-up to last month’s World Cup vote.

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Mihir Bose: Blatter courting danger as he enjoys watching Bin Hammam squirm


It was entirely predictable that Sepp Blatter’s comments on the 2022 World Cup in Qatar being played in January raised a howl of protest.

Not only does it seem extraordinary that after the game is over, the rules of the game are changed, but the near-revolution this would cause to the European game is incalculable.

But what has been missed in all this is that Blatter, the most consummate of sports politicians –

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