Sports Minister expects Government backing for West Ham Olympic Stadium decision


By Andrew Warshaw

February 13 – West Ham United’s move to take over the Olympic Stadium following next year’s 2012 Games could be approved by the Government within the shortest of time frames judging by remarks made by Sports and Olympics Minister Hugh Robertson, which will allow the club and vice-chair Karren Brady to begin their planning to leave their current ground.

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West Ham chiefs admit delight at OPLC Olympic Stadium decision

By Tom Degun at the Olympic Stadium, London

February 11 – West Ham and Newham Council have revealed their delight after the Olympic Park Legacy Company (OPLC) today officially confirmed they had selected the duo’s bid ahead of that of Tottenham Hotspur and AEG as the preferred tenant for the Olympic Stadium in Stratford after the London 2012 Games.

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Americans launch bid for $1 billion damages

By Andrew Warshaw

February 10 – Former Liverpool owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett are seeking more than $1 billion (£622 million) in damages in the London courts for being forced to sell the club for £300 million ($482 million) to NESV, the owners of the Boston Red Sox baseball team.

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Tottenham deny they will “demolish” £500 million Olympic Stadium as they unveil plans


By Duncan Mackay
British Sports Internet Writer of the Year

February 7 – Tottenham Hotspur tonight released the first image of how the proposed 60,000-capacity football stadium will look if their bid to take over the Olympic Stadium after London 2012 is successful as the war of words between their chairman Daniel Levy and Karren Brady from Premier League rivals West Ham United continued to escalate.

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