Valcke calls for common legislation on match-fixing


By Andrew Warshaw, Chief Correspondent

January 18 – Although match fixing has become arguably the greatest scourge in the game, FIFA general secretary Jerome Valcke is confident that elite matches in competitions like the Champions League and World Cup matches are immune from any illegal activity. But he says there needs to be a co-ordinated approach.

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Andrew Warshaw: Cypriot football searches for unification across a fractious political divide

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When Greek and Turkish Cypriot football officials staged their  landmark re-unification talks this week, among the keen observers waiting in the winter sunshine for the eagerly anticipated arrival of the respective federation leaders was 81-year-old Sevim Ebeoglu.

Sevim, perhaps more than anyone else, epitomises what it would mean for the Turkish side of the divided island to be re-integrated with its once friendly neighbour.

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Cypriots close to re-unification of football divisions

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By Andrew Warshaw, Chief Correpondent, in Nicosia

Janaury 17 – Football re-unification on the bitterly divided island of Cyprus took a pivotal step forward today when the leaders of the respective Greek and Turkish Cypriot federations announced they were closer than ever to burying their differences after decades of separation and mistrust.

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Guardiola opts for Bundesliga over Premier League

pep guardiola

By Andrew Warshaw

January 17 – After months of speculation and innumerable column inches, England’s Premier League clubs have lost out on the services of Pep Guardiola, with the much-touted Spanish coach opting for Bayern Munich next season at the end of his year-long self-imposed sabbatical.

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English roll out the great, the good and the grassroots to celebrate their football heritage

Bernstein 150

By Mark Baber

January 16 – The English Football Association, The FA, launched its 150th year anniversary with a heart-warming display of appreciation to the Football Association and English football by football leaders and legends from around the world, as well as a demonstration by the FA of the great emphasis it places on grassroots football, inclusion and the endeavours of volunteers.

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Exclusive: Cypriots prepare to repair football divisions

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By Andrew Warshaw, Chief Correspondent, in Nicosia, Cyprus

January 16 – After more than half a century of isolation during which they have become international outcasts, football officials of Turkish-controlled northern Cyprus will sit side-by-side with their Greek counterparts on Thursday for landmark talks aimed at unifying the sport on the deeply divided Mediterranean island.

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Mihir Bose: What has the FA done, Daddy?


The 150th anniversary of the Football Association certainly deserves to be celebrated. Any organisation that has reached such a venerable age has the right to celebrate its birthday and no doubt get a telegram from the Queen, or however Her Majesty marks such occasions these days.

But the tipple for the occasion should not be Krug champagne but a glass of Prosecco. For all the warm words that are now being showered on the FA from far and wide the best thing that can be said about the FA is that it still exists.

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