[b]Inside Insight:[/b] Everybody talks about racism but no-one really cares

Let us assume that all those do-gooders who are so very concerned about mankind (while only paying lip-service to a ‘trend’ that seems worth exploiting for their own advancement) have a tiny remnant of human decency left and, for once, actually mean what they say and not only say what others want to hear.

Let us further assume that the large group of those who are mentally differently abled (i.e. either don’t have a clue or don’t give a hoot),

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About us

Insideworldfootball was launched in 2010. In January 2013 the business was sold and trades as Inside World Football Ltd.

In March 2013 the title was relaunched with a new design, new writers and an expanded editorial remit.

Insideworldfootball is a web-based news-driven service for the business of the football aimed at clubs, leagues and federations as well as football’s supply sector.

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[b]Lee Wellings:[/b] Did winter break chorus hit right note?

football christmas

Is Lionel Messi fitter than other footballers, as well as being a better player? The four-time Ballon D’Or winner played 69 high level games in 2012 scoring a record 91 goals and didn’t appear to be tired for a single minute.

But those ‘unfortunate’ enough to earn their living playing in the English Premier League apparently suffered terribly over the Christmas and New Year period.

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[b]David Owen:[/b] Europe’s spanner in the works puts us on course for a gran clásico of a board meeting at FIFA

David Owen_IWF

By David Owen

So Joseph Blatter doesn’t much care for the “unanimous” package of reform proposals for world football’s governing body published last month by UEFA.

The FIFA President conveyed his disappointment last weekend at a media conference in South Africa just before Nigeria’s triumph over Burkina Faso in the final of the 2013 African Cup of Nations.

I can’t say I am at all surprised.


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