Inside Insight: Obsessive-Compulsive (FIFA) Disorder, OC(F)D


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry; by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing the associated anxiety; or by a combination of such obsessions and compulsions. Symptoms of the disorder include excessive washing or cleaning; repeated checking; extreme hoarding; preoccupation with sexual, violent or religious thoughts; relationship-related obsessions; aversion to particular numbers; and nervous rituals, such as opening and closing a door a certain number of times before entering or leaving a room. These symptoms can be alienating and time-consuming, and often cause severe emotional and financial distress. The acts of those who have OCD may appear paranoid and potentially psychotic. However, OCD sufferers generally recognize their obsessions and compulsions as irrational and may become further distressed by this realization.

Last week’s FIFA Committee Week, which culminated in a vastly over-egged ExCo meeting full of unfulfilled expectations and attended by over 130 media, was a classic non-event and example of expectations never having been grounded in reality.

Of the 130-odd media present, about 95% had travelled from far-away England (some from Britain) “to Europe”, as the British like to say, to attend what was being hyped up to be the most remarkable, mind-boggling and most scandalously exciting event of the year so far.

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