United 2026 bid promises a new World Cup era with an ‘opening day like no other’

March 28 – The United 2026 bid are promising “an opening day like no other” to herald in a “new era in football”, with three games across the three countries – Canada, Mexico and the US.

In an open letter sent to federations and published on their official bid website, the three federation presidents Steven Reed (Canada), Decio De Maria (Mexico), and Carlos Cordeiro (USA), who co-chair the bid, emphasised their credentials to successfully host the biggest ever World Cup and elevate it and the sport to a new level.

“Imagine the opening day of the 2026 FIFA World Cup. Three games across three countries — Canada, Mexico and the United States – with huge FIFA Fan Fests in each host city and across North America,” said the co-chairmen.

“It would be an opening day like no other, and it’s what we have proposed in our historic United Bid. It’s another example of how, as we discussed in our last letter to you, our bid can be counted on to deliver the experience, infrastructure and resources required to successfully host the largest-ever FIFA World Cup in 2026.”

At the core of the United message is that stadia, transportation and infrastructure are already in place in all of their proposed venues and that “2026 has the opportunity to help create a new legacy—a blueprint for the joint bids that FIFA envisions for the future and that advances the FIFA 2.0 reforms.”

]The ability to pretty much guarantee the commercial success of the Untied bid with no surprises along the way is a compelling argument after the legacy disasters of South Africa and Brazil, and the uncertainties of and apparent sponsor aversion to Russia – though that is as much to do with FIFA showing an ability to move on from its own integrity crisis as Russia’s hosting.

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