World Football Summit signs content deal with Fifpro’s Player IQ data platform

November 15 – Players union Fifpro and World Football Summit (WFS) have entered into a content partnership agreement, marking a collaborative effort to integrate Fifpro Player IQ’s research and insights into WFS events across Europe, Asia, and the Americas over the next three years. 

Fifpro Player IQ will become the inaugural Player Performance & Industry Partner for WFS.

This strategic partnership aims to infuse evidence-based and player-centric perspectives from FIFPRO Player IQ into WFS’s flagship events, podcasts, reports, workshops, and newsletters.

The alliance will officially kick off at the upcoming WFS Asia event.

At the core of this collaboration is Fifpro Player IQ, a dynamic knowledge centre designed to influence decisions in the football industry, with a focus on enhancing the careers and working conditions of footballers.

Leveraging scientific research, data analytics, and collaboration with industry stakeholders, the hub provides reports, player surveys covering men’s and women’s football development, strategic foresight on emerging trends, and the Fifpro Player Workload Monitoring Platform, which tracks the playing time, rest periods, and travel of 1,900 footballers.

World Football Summit, organises conferences that bring together football industry professionals. The partnership will also see the establishment of the Marcus Rashford Award dedicated to athletes or industry professionals championing social causes, The award made its debut at the recent World Football Summit in Seville, where Denmark international Sofie Junge Pedersen was recognised for her impactful activism on climate change.

Jan Alessie, Director of World Football Summit, said: “We are extremely proud to sign this partnership with Fifpro. The football industry needs to involve the players in conversations that will help drive the industry forward. They are an essential part of the ecosystem. Giving visibility to Fifpro’s pioneering insights and research across our global events will surely help improve player performance, which will set the foundations for sustainable business growth across football organisations worldwide.”

Alexander Bielefeld, Director of Global Policy (Men’s Football), FIifpro, said: “With World Football Summit we found the perfect partner for Fifpro Player IQ to address and advance the leading issues in the football industry while adding a player-centric perspective on the global trends that impact the professional game. We are looking forward to working with many industry stakeholders who have made World Football Summit such an important meeting point and are looking forward to adding the evidence-based experiences from players and unions across global regions to the debate on the future of our industry.”

Contact the writer of this story, Harry Ewing, at moc.l1722043901labto1722043901ofdlr1722043901owedi1722043901sni@g1722043901niwe.1722043901yrrah1722043901