Massimo Cecchini: L’Italia e gli stadi di Proprieta

Dicono che i momenti di crisi siano quelli che portano alla rinascita. Si spera davvero che per il calcio italiano l’affermazione abbia del fondamento, visto che nel ranking europeo ormai anche il Portogallo – approfittando della nostra debolezza – si sta preparando al sorpasso.
Per questo, dopo gestito con poca oculatezza per quasi un ventennio le enormi risorse provenienti dal mercato televisivo, i club italiani provano a mettersi al passo imboccando decisamente la strada virtuosa da tempo intrapresa da Gran Bretagna,

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Indian Super League franchises attract celebrity owners for high octane launch

Sachin Tendulkar

By Mark Baber
April 14 – The Indian Super League (ISL) franchises were announced on Sunday and the winning bids include leading celebrities of Indian film and cricket, much to the delight of promoters IMG Reliance. Even cricket legend and indian superstar Sachin Tendulkar (pictured) got in on the act. Local media and football officials have described the move variously as a big leap forward for Indian football, or marking its doom.

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Osasu Obayiuwana: UEFA’s self interest makes a joke of the ‘global’ solidarity pitch

When UEFA and its member countries take a decision to fundamentally restructure the way in which international football, within its continent, is played, it ought not to concern the rest of the global fraternity.

What European football does within its borders is, in principle, their prerogative.

BUT – and this is a big but, obviously – when a continental decision is taken without any cognisance of the effect that it would have on the WORLD game,

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