Mihir Bose: Football must watch out for the dangers of technology, just look at cricket

Have we got technology wrong? I speak as one who has always believed that sport should use technology. Yet the events in the first Ashes Test between England and Australia have made me think that technology may be becoming a sporting monster. I am well aware that the use of technology in football bears no relation to cricket, given how different the two games are. But the question is how far do you allow technology to decide events on the field of play.

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Exclusive: Boyce backs Blatter’s call for Winter 2022

Jim Boyce

By Andrew Warshaw, chief correspondent
July 22 – Britain’s FIFA vice-president Jim Boyce (pictured) says he will support moving the 2022 Qatar World Cup to winter because it makes “common sense” for everyone involved, not least the players. Boyce is anxious to avoid getting into an argument with the English Premier League – which steadfastly opposes a winter tournament – but is backing FIFA President Sepp Blatter’s call for a switch.

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Libyans ban Women’s team from playing at Berlin tournament

Libyan muslim cleric

By Mark Baber
July 22 – The Libyan Football Federation (LFF) has stopped its Women’s Team from participating in a tournament in Berlin, Germany, the organisers discovered as the team was due to fly in. The federation claims the reason behind the ban is to do with Ramadan, but the ban has been linked to threats and opposition to women’s football from Islamic extremists.

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Inside Insight: Qatar’s heat most felt in England?

Not an easy thing to figure all of this out, admittedly. When Qatar won the hosting rights over several rival bidders who were pretty sure that they would have beaten the peninsular state in the middle of the Middle East, there was plenty of crying about alleged foul play.

Several investigations later, be they internal, overt or covert, executed by ‘official investigators’ (such as chief FIFA investigator Garcia, who, one hears, is about to throw in the towel in favour of kitchen utensils,

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Jean Francois Tanda: European court decision is for the Good of the Game

Football belongs to everyone. That’s basically the outcome of the recent decision by the European Court of Justice that ruled against the two football governing bodies, FIFA and UEFA. Formalistically, the case was about Belgium and the UK. Both countries had decided to declare football World Cups and European championships as ‘events of major importance’ and as such have to be broadcast on free TV channels. FIFA and UEFA both tried to avoid this decision,

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John Yan: 不能容忍的灰色地带 A Tacit-Understanding Match





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